You've landed that job interview and have polished your resume in preparation. But what should you do once you are face to face? Use these tried-and-true tips:
1. Eye contact, a smile, a firm handshake 保持眼神交流、微笑、握手要有力
They're as important in the reception area as in the big corner office.
2. Use different voice patterns for different 面试不同的职位使用不同的语音语调
If you're applying for a service position, let your voice and chin "rise" at the end of each sentence so you seem more agreeable. If it's a management position, use "the credible voice pattern," one that has “a calm cadence, almost monotone, with the chin dipping down a bit."
3. Sit up straight, and keep eye contact 坐正、保持眼神交流
"Consistent but not constant" - no need to creep anyone out with too much intensity. Where you look is important: Stay in the "professional zone," from the bridge of the nose to the top of the forehead.
4. When you hear that familiar question 当听到熟悉的问题时
"Tell me about yourself," be ready, and be ready with something good, writes Penelope Trunk of the CBS Interactive Business Network: "Tell the person what is important to you, [and] tell it to her in a story she can remember and relay to other people."
5. Most job candidates end the interview with "Do you have any questions for me?" 如何应对“你有什么问题要问我吗?”
Trunk says to ask early on what the perfect candidate looks like. That way, you can tailor your answers accordingly. Before you leave, ask whether the interviewer has any reservations.
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